Monday, February 6, 2012

I Love Being a Missionary!

Mom and Dad, thank you so  much for your precious letters each week. Even though some of them are shorter than others (as mine are some weeks!) I can still feel your love pouring from them. I did today :) Adam, Jake and Jordan, even though I don't hear from you every week, I can still feel the depth of your love despite the distance and scarcity of words. I love you all with all my heart. I hope that you can feel that through this simple message! I often think of what each of you are up to and hope with all my heart that the things you're doing are wholesome, worthwhile, and help you develop your talents. Each of you are so gifted, and time is so precious... I hope you can find more joy in doing good things! I've learned so much on my mission the difference it makes in how we spend our time, and I've seen the same pattern in so many lives of the people I serve. Maybe each of you can think of some fun activities we can do together when I get home, OK? I can't wait to spend more time with each one of you. <3
This week has been another awesome one. I just love being a missionary :) For some reason my mind is drawing a blank as to anything major that happened this week... except that He jiemei passed her baptismal interview with flying colors! We're so excited for her baptism next Saturday. The ward is really excited too, especially because it's one of the Sister's mother! That's the best feeling to be able to complete (or at least be one step closer to completing) families.
Mom and Dad, thank you SO much for getting everything set up for me when I get home. You have no idea how much that means to me and how much stress it relieves. It will make the transition so smooth. It sounds like the class schedules are perfect! Especially the Chinese one :) even though I know it'll be challenging.  That would go perfectly with the Chinese summer camp job if that one works out!  I really can't say how much I appreciate you for helping me so much with everything! I have to say I laughed when I read that Dad already started the application for me teaching at the MTC, haha :) Sure, that'd be great!

Sorry this email is more odds and ends. Today emailing is a little shorter because we had POWER CLEANING day to start our POWER WEEK! That means we leave the door a 1/2 hour earlier each day and eat meals on the go to have extra proselyting time and get pumped up after the Chinese New Year low. It's gonna be fun! Anyway, I realized just how much I love cleaning and how good it feels to have a completely clean apartment! What a good start to the week :)
I love the gospel so much. I am in so much awe at how much my testimony has been strengthened of the Restored Gospel and the simple but profound truths it contains. I love following the prophet and living up to the promptings of the Spirit and feeling such deep love for others as I help them in any way I can. That kind of life is so rewarding, peaceful and full of joy. Righteousness is the happiest way to live! And I'm so grateful that I have the gospel to show me how and that I can practice it every day, especially as a missionary. Life is hard. But there is always hope as we press forward in faith. Just keep doing the things your heart whispers to you (that voice of the Spirit) and things will work out. That I know with all my heart!
Love, Sister Morey :)

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